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An aircraft with the Nigerian Air and logo on it was received at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (NAIA), Abuja on May 26, 2023. The the Minister of Aviation, Sen. Hadi Sirika, had hinted that the aircraft for the take-off of the new airline was expected to arrive before the end of the current political administration in Nigeria on May 29, 2023.

In a post with a short video of the water cannon salute of the aircraft, Sen. Sirika, tweeted: “We are here. To Almighty God be all the glory. It has been a very long, tedious, daunting and difficult path. We thank everyone for the support. This, by the will of God, will be for us and generations to come. Ya Allah make it beneficial for our country and humanity.”

This has drawn mixed reactions from Nigerian and global observers. While many expressed excitement over the launch of the airline after several postponements, many equally called for government of Nigeria to ensure justice, equal opportunity and competitiveness for all airlines in Nigeria.

A group of Nigerian airlines had instituted a litigation challenging the circumstances and conditions of the choice of Ethiopian Airlines as preferred technical partner with 49% equity in Nigeria Air. However, the government declared that launching the Nigeria Air is for the benefit of Nigerians even though Ethiopian Airline owns 49% of its equity.

While competitive operators in Nigeria welcome new competition, they insist that all Nigerian airlines should enjoy equal access to government resources and support, adding that the new national carrier, operated by Ethiopian Airlines, should not enjoy any exclusive government support, as this would lead to undue disadvantages that would cause the demise of other airlines.

“No question that the airline should fly…but we must take steps to ensure it co-exists rather than kill private airlines,” declared one airline Chief Executive based in Lagos, Nigeria.

Sad to see that courts are ignored and private local business distroyed by political power,” said Dieter Schleehauf, Founder & Deputy Chairman of Equatorial Agricultural Development Company in South Sudan.

Airlines in Nigeria have also called out to President Muhammadu Buhari to ensure the airline is not launched while a litigation against the launch is still in court.





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