
ICAO President Stresses Importance Of SAATM Implementation For Africa’s Connectivity, Economic Development

1 min read
ICAO and African dignitaries at the on-going 9th AFI Week in Libreville, Gabon
By Roland Ohaeri
The President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Salvatore Scicchitano, has underlined the essence of full implementation of the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) to drive interconnectivity and stimulate economic development in Africa. Mr. Sciacchitano was addressing participants to the on-going 9th Edition of the AFI Aviation Week in Libreville, Gabon.
Mr. Salvatore Sciacchitano, ICAO President at the opening of the ongoing 9th AFI-Week in Libreville, Gabon

SAATM is a flagship project of the African Union (AU) to establish liberalization of the air transport market in Africa to enable African airlines fly easily moving passengers and cargo between African cities without the policy restrictions and non-physical barriers that have hindered air connectivity and economic integration in Africa for decades. SAATM has been acclaimed globally and in Africa as the springboard for Africa’s aviation and economic transformation, 37 African States have joined SAATM and the rest 18 States are encouraged to join as each State, according to a study by the AU, would benefit immensely from fully implementing SAATM.

Juan Carlos Salazar, ICAO Secretary General, addressing the on-going 9th AFI-Week in Libreville, Gabon

Explaining his submission at the AFI-Week, the ICAO President stated: “I stressed the importance to accelerate the implementation of the Single African Air Transport Market in order to enhance connectivity in Africa which would benefit the economic and social development of the Continent.”

“I underlined also that this year ICAO is celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the signing of the Chicago Convention. This celebration offers the opportunity to reflect on the important achievements over the last eight decades. However, ICAO intends to take this opportunity also to reflect together with all stakeholders on how aviation development will continue to be supported by ICAO over the next decades.
For this reason, in occasion of the celebrations of the 80th Anniversary of the Chicago Convention ICAO is going to approve the 2026-2050 Strategic Plan.”
Prosper Zo’o Minto’o, ICAO Director WACAF, and Lucy Mbugua, ICAO Director ESAF at the on-going 9th AFI-Week in Libreville, Gabon

Furthermore, as the week-long event concludes its opening day, the ICAO Eastern and Southern African Regional Office, commented: “The The first day of the International Civil Aviation Organization AFI Week, organised by ICAO WACAF and ICAO Eastern and Southern African Regional Office , did not disappoint. The opening ceremony was graced by the esteemed Vice President of the Gabonese Republic HE Joseph Owondault Berre together with ICAO President Salvatore Sciacchitano and the Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar.”

Also, the crucial meeting of the ICAO AFI Director Generals of Civil Aviation came together to take stock of the status of implementation of ICAO SARPS in the region setting the stage “for a week of meaningful dialogue and collaboration.”

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