On December 30, 2024, the new Director General of ASECNA, Mr. Prosper Zo’o Minto’o, officially took over from the outgoing Mr. Mohamed Moussa, in Dakar, Senegal marked by a memorable handover ceremony in Dakar, Senegal.
Mr. Zo’o Minto’o was elected by the ASECNA Committee of Ministers at its 74th extraordinary meeting held on September 27, 2024, in Dakar. According to ASECNA, the election was formalized by the Board of Directors at its 154th meeting, which took place on November 25, 2024, in Brazzaville.
The installation ceremony took place at the headquarters of the community institution in Dakar, in front of an audience of personalities, including Mr. Yankoba Diémé, Minister of Infrastructure, Land and Air Transport of Senegal, the Ambassador of Gabon to Senegal, the Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Niger in Senegal and Mr. Rolland Fidiariseheno Ranjatoelina, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ASECNA.
On behalf of Mr. Emile Zerbo, Minister of State, Minister of Territorial Administration and Mobility of Burkina Faso, President of the Committee of Ministers of ASECNA, Mr. Ranjateolina, after the handover, proceeded to install the new Director General in his functions.
“Mr. Prosper Zo’o Minto’o thus becomes the 9th general manager, after illustrious personalities who have succeeded one another in this very strategic position in the African and international aeronautical landscape,” ASECNA stated.

Mr. Emile Zerbo, Minister of State, Minister of Territorial Administration and Mobility of Burkina Faso, and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, stated: “Mr. Prosper Zo’o Minto’o, ASECNA is an institution that you know well for having spent part of your career there. But, this time, you are returning as a pilot, or rather as a captain. I have no doubt that you will be able to consolidate the achievements of your predecessor by contributing your rich experience.” He said that Mr. Mohamed MOUSSA worked throughout his two terms to strengthen the performance and technical capacities of the operational centers while initiating bold measures that have significantly improved the living conditions of the staff.

Also, Mr. Yankoba Diémé, Minister of Infrastructure and Land and Air Transport of the Republic of Senegal reiterate his appreciation to the outgoing Director General, Mr. Mohamed Moussa, “whose commitment will remain marked in the annals of our institution.” He further noted that Mr. Prosper Zo’o Minto’o has the necessary assets to carry out his mission, and can count on the support of the State of Senegal. “I am convinced that, thanks to your vision and your skills, ASECNA will continue to work effectively for the safety and development of civil aviation in Africa and beyond,” he further said.

The Outgoing Director General, Mr. Mohamed Moussa, said: “I have put in place the necessary tools allowing ASECNA to provide quality services, in particular through the implementation of radar surveillance and the deployment of futuristic projects such as ADSB. The ASECNA that I have worked hard to build is an institution resolutely at the service of the States because I am convinced that this is the primary vocation of the Agency. What I leave as a legacy is a stronger, modern and forward-looking ASECNA. ASECNA is now 65 years old and I am perhaps its eldest son because I spent 40 years of my life there.”

Mr. Prosper Zo’o Minto’o, Incoming General Manager, also said: “I commit to listening attentively, working transparently and promoting a climate of collaboration with workers’ representatives so that, collectively, we can ensure the continued alignment of ASECNA’s programs with the global and regional reference frameworks and technological roadmaps established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for the planning and implementation of air navigation systems.”
he also called for cooperation to continually improve ASECNA. “Together, let us continue to build a strong, dynamic and resolutely forward-looking institution, by pursuing the development of the Agency whose pan-African vocation is clearly expressed in its official name,” Mr. Zo’o Minto’o stated.