
AIID Statement On The Duet 2 Paraglider Crash In Seapoint

1 min read

The Accident and Incident Investigations Division (AIID) has been formally requested by the South African Hang-gliding and Paragliding Association (SAHPA) to undertake the investigation of an accident involving a DUET 2 Paraglider that occurred above the promenade at Sea Point in Cape Town, on Monday 3 July 2023.

As a body responsible for investigating hang-gliding and paragliding accidents, SAHPA were initially notified of the accident.

On 7 July 2023, SAHPA then formally requested the AIID to undertake the investigation due to the specific complexities and scope of the accident.

An AIID Investigator has been dispatched to the accident site in order to collect evidence and to gather more information that will assist in defining the size as well as the scope of the investigation.

Based on initial information gathered, the AIID can confirm that the DUET 2 Paraglider departed from Signal Hill, also in Cape Town, with an intent to land at the Sea Point Promenade. The reported time of the accident is 12.53pm local time.

There were two on board with a student fatally injured while the pilot sustained minor injuries.

The AIID will continue to give necessary feedback pertaining to this investigation, with a preliminary report to be issued in 30 days from the day of this accident.

According to the AIID, it is vital to point out that investigations vary in size and complexity and may take a up to 12 months to complete. In instances where an investigation takes longer than 12 months to complete, the AIID will issue an interim statement to indicate the progress made up to that point of the investigation.

Should a critical safety issue be identified, the AIID will issue urgent recommendations to the relevant parties so that appropriate action can be taken to prevent a recurrence, the AIID further added.

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